'Holiday Replay' With Rach Jackson

Welcome to a special episode of the podcast which we’re calling the ‘holiday replay’.   

Steph and are taking a break for the next couple of weeks while our kiddos are home on school holidays, so this week we-re airing one of our favourite episodes- the interview with Rach Jackson. If you missed the episode first aired ion Season 3, be sure to listen in this week as it’s so inspiring! If you caught it the first time around, we think it’s definitely worth a second listen. 

I also just wanted to give you a quick reminder that my Solstice e-course sale is just about to end.  You have until midnight on 30th June 2021 to get 20% off chapter 2 of Painting as a Practice or the chapters 2 & 3 bundle.  So if you’d like to jump on this offer before it ends, then pop on over to www.susannethercotestudio.com/online-classes for all the details.  We’ll also leave all the links in the show notes. 

Suse ox


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Susan Nethercote