46. Faith Evans-Sills Artist Interview

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In today's episode I'm having a beautiful chat with my friend and fellow artist in the US Faith Evans Sills. Faith and I first met when I was a student in one of her first e-courses many moons ago. We discovered that we had a lot in common back then and still do!

In today’s episode I’m having a beautiful chat with my friend and fellow artist in the US Faith Evans-Sills.  Faith and I first met when I was a student in one of her first e-courses many moons ago. We discovered that we had a lot in common back then and still do! So it was just lovely to catch up with Faith and hear all about what she’s been up to. I really hope your enjoy our conversation. 

  • The impact of motherhood on a creative practice.

  • The development of her book ‘Painting The Sacred Within’.

  • Using rituals to connect her creative and spiritual life.

  • How running retreats has enhanced her creative flow and how she pivoted during COVID-19

  • Her advice to emerging artists seeking a career as a professional artist.

  • The experience of having an artist partner.

Enjoy the episode!

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More About Faith

Faith is a painter, author, retreat leader, teacher and mentor with over 25 years of personal painting experience. In her work, Faith draws inspiration from the unseen order of things within nature’s wild and small moments; from love, textiles and most importantly, the relationships that shape her. Classically trained in painting with a BFA from Skidmore College and an MFA from Parsons School of Design, Faith enjoys inspiring women to manifest their most heartfelt ideas through creating art.

Her first book, Painting the Sacred Within, a co-authored guide to art techniques for expressing your authentic inner voice, was published in 2017 by North Light Press and has become a beloved resource of inspiration for women world wide as they explore their creative and art making dreams. She is a well-loved teacher both online, across the United States and internationally at her annual art retreats in Morocco, Costa Rica and Mexico.

Faith’s paintings have been exhibited widely and included in numerous books and publications including Painted Blossoms, Paint Lab, Color Lab, Seventeen, Calm, Happinez and Mabel Magazine. Her art has also been featured on designs for Anne Taylor Company Lou & Grey. Faith lives in Charleston, South Carolina with her husband Francis and their 3 children.



Are you struggling to find a simple approach to harmoniously painting bright, vibrant paintings? And are you confused and overwhelmed by how to use mixed-media art supplies effectively and how to fix and varnish them correctly?

Then chapter 2 of 'Painting as a Practice will bring clarity and ease to your art making process. 

And are you seeking a soulful, spiritually connected approach to art making that connects your mindfulness or meditation practice to the process of uncovering your unique artistic style? 

Then you are going to love this much awaited second chapter of 'Painting as a Practice' and how it enriches your art making process.


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Susan Nethercote